My grandmother, my father's mother. As none of us can go to a minyan here in NY and NJ we would like Kaddish said for her. I uploaded the notice from Israel so you have relevant info and hebrew spelling. Her maiden name was Javaheri and her married last name was Lavi. I believe for Kadish you need her father's name (bat David) however the notice gives you her mother's name as well in case needed (bat Belghiz).
Thank you.
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Things Done Liluy Nishmas Eizat Lavi
Eizat Bat David

mikelav456 ordered Kaddish (Shared Kaddish - 1 Month) Liluy Nishmas Eizat Bat David3 Iyyar 5780 - Apr/27/2020
Have the Jewish Memorial Kaddish Prayer recited in merit of your Loved Ones by a Torah Scholar, in all 3 daily prayers. Yahrzeit Kaddashim must be ordered at least 2 days in advance.
(See full details below)
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