One of the central prayers observed by all Jews throughout history is known as the Mourners Kaddish. Kaddish is recited during prayer in a quorum of 10 men. One recites the Kaddish for the elevation of a departed soul, generally a Father or Mother. This brings great joy to the soul and allows the deceased to reach their atonement more quickly.
Kaddish is an acknowledgment of G-Ds goodness and greatness. It is said at the funeral, during the week of mourning, the following 11 months, and every following year on the anniversary of the passing of the deceased.
Arrange a Kaddish

Although it is duty bound on the male decedents of the deceased to recite the Kaddish. It is an acceptable practice for those that are unable to recite the Kaddish on their own have a messenger recite it on their behalf.
Arrange a KaddishIf you are unable to say Kaddish with a Minyan of 10 men, we can provide you the peace of mind, by having a Torah Scholar in Israel recite it for you. The money given will be used to support that Torah Scholar and his family. This will allow you to obtain an addition Mitzvah of Tzedakah.
Arrange a Kaddish